Learning Center

The Severe Drawback to a Lease Rollover

If you are in the market, looking for a copier, because your current copier is breaking all the time, one of the common strategies employed by copier companies is to…

How Much is a Copier to Lease?

This is a common question.  The best answer is that “it depends” – You can lease a small desktop copier under $50 a month, where a full office copier could…

Adding a Little to the Lease Rate Factor…

Copier dealers are struggling with decreasing margins on equipment and many customers shopping around to get the best rates.  One of the newest tricks copier dealers are employing is adding…

Why Lease a Copier?

Many companies who lease copiers are not even sure why they are leasing.  It is just how things have always been done.  There are some actual reasons to lease a…

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