Questions for your Copier Leasing Agent

It’s never a good idea to sign any lease until reading it closely, and figuring out what works best for you, and what doesn’t. This is why we always suggest having some questions ready for your copier leasing agent. Knowing what you want and being ready to ask questions can make your lease come out so much better for your specific needs. questionmark

  • Maintenance services. What kind of maintenance help can you expect to get? Can I get help during off hours? What am I going to be paying to have a technician come out and solve an issue? Are you getting checkups during the year? Find out the specifics of your maintenance agreement and get what works best for you.
  • Access to discounted consumables. Most copier leasing companies will offer some service that you can get discounted products from. You can save hundreds by getting discounts on paper, toner, and more. Talk with your leasing agent about this opportunity.
  • Print management services. Can I get help monitoring my use and help me cut costs? Is there a way to get some kind of managed print services help without breaking the bank? Find out if you can get help managing your costs and services.
  • Cost Breakdown. Ask for a cost breakdown and find out where all of your money is going. The biggest mistake that you can make is to sign a lease that is more expensive than you thought because you didn’t understand the payments. Your lease price is not the only thing you are paying for. Make sure you understand what you are paying for before signing anything.

There are so many questions that you can ask your copier leasing agent, so this is just a start. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and demand what you need for your business before signing any agreement.


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