Best Practices for Print Security in Business Environments

In the wake of increasing cybersecurity threats, it’s more crucial than ever for businesses to secure their print environments. With reports indicating a significant rise in print-related data breaches, organizations must adopt a vigilant approach.

For instance, 61% of organizations have reported at least one print-related data breach in the past year, highlighting the vulnerability of print networks to security incidents.

Leveraging Statistics to Highlight the Urgency of Print Security

Data underscores the critical need for stringent print security measures:

  • 70% of U.S. businesses have witnessed an increase in security breaches, emphasizing the growing threat landscape in one of the world’s largest economies.
  • The average cost of a data breach now stands at a staggering $4.35 million globally, with costs soaring to $9.44 million in the U.S. alone.
  • Print-related breaches are not just frequent but costly, with the average breach costing approximately $935K.

These figures illustrate not only the financial implications but also the potential reputational damage and operational disruption caused by inadequate print security.

Comprehensive Print Security Strategies

Device Integrity and Secure Boot

  • Integrated Device Security: Equip devices with features like Canon’s McAfee Embedded Control for intelligent whitelisting, ensuring that only authorized applications run on print devices.
  • Startup Integrity Checks: Devices should verify their system integrity at every startup, as seen with Canon’s Verify System at Startup feature, to ensure no tampering has occurred.

User Authentication and Access Control

  • Secure Print Release: Implement systems requiring user authentication before document release to prevent unauthorized access, particularly in environments with sensitive or confidential data.
  • Role-Based Access: Control who can access which printer features based on user roles, significantly reducing the chance of accidental or malicious breaches.

Data Encryption

  • End-to-End Encryption: Encrypt data in transit to and from the printer and during storage on the device to prevent data interception and leakage.

Audit and Compliance

  • Activity Monitoring and Logs: Maintain detailed logs of all print jobs, access attempts, and configuration changes to create an audit trail for security monitoring and forensic analysis.
  • Regular Security Assessments: Continually update and patch printer firmware and software to mitigate new vulnerabilities, ensuring compliance with the latest security standards.

Adopting a Zero Trust Framework

  • Zero Trust for Printers: Apply zero trust principles to the print environment, requiring verification and validation for every access request, irrespective of the network origin.
  • Endpoint Security: Recognize and treat printers as endpoints within the IT network that require robust security controls to prevent breaches.

Pahoda Copiers & Printers Enhances Your Print Security

The statistics don’t lie: the risks associated with unsecured print environments are both real and costly. By implementing comprehensive security measures that include the latest innovations from leaders like Canon, businesses can protect themselves against the rising tide of cybersecurity threats.

Pahoda helps your team ensure your print environment is secure and protected.

Pahoda Copiers & Printers is committed to helping businesses understand these risks and implement effective print security strategies.

Contact us today to see how we can help secure your printing operations, protect your sensitive data, and comply with industry regulations.


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